Helpful Links

What is advocacy?​

1. Advocate brings another point of view to Hillsborough’s ongoing discussions on special education _ Tampa Bay Times

Federal Government

1. IDEA 2004 – US Department of Education

2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – US Office for Civil Rights

State Government

1. Exceptional Student Education (Special Education), FL Department of Education

2. Publications about Section 504

3. School Choice – Including the McKay and Gardiner Scholarships

4. Florida Diagnostics & Learning Resources System (FDLRS)

5. Florida Alliance for Assistive Technology

6. Florida Inclusion Network

Local Districts

1. ESE Policies and Procedures by School District

2. Hillsborough County Public Schools ESE Department

3. Pinellas County Schools ESE Department

4. Pasco County Schools ESE Department

5. Hernando County Schools ESE Department

Research Sites

1. FLDOE Technical Assistance Papers

2. FLDOE Publications

3. Wrightslaw

National Organizations

1. Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA)